You can require users who are eligible for a role to satisfy Conditional Access policy requirements. For example, you can require users to use a specific authentication method enforced through Authentication Strengths, elevate the role from an Intune-compliant device, and comply with terms of use. Learn more here
However, once this is enabled, users cannot activate their eligible roles using Azure PowerShell since there is no way to login to Azure PowerShell with authentication context.
To solve this issue, you can first acquire a token with authentication context and use it to connect to Azure PowerShell.
First, remember to disconnect so an older token is not used by Azure PowerShell
Now, acquire a token with authentication context. Replace c1 with the id of your authentication context. Learn more here
$MsResponse = Get-MSALToken -Scopes @(" openid profile offline_access") -ClientId "04b07795-8ddb-461a-bbee-02f9e1bf7b46" -RedirectUri "http://localhost:8400/" -Authority "" -Interactive -ExtraQueryParameters @{claims='{"access_token":{"xms_cc":{"values":["CP1"]},"acrs":{"essential":true, "value":"c1"}}}'}
Connect to Azure PowerShell with the acquired access token and provide the upn of the user if prompted for AccountId
Connect-AzAccount -AccessToken $MsResponse.AccessToken
Activate your eligible role. Replace $scope, $role and $principal with your values. Learn more here
$guid = (New-Guid).Guid
$startTime = Get-Date -Format o
$scope = "/subscriptions/c896b064-0cd9-49d5-a7df-c82df3dc60f3"
$role = "/subscriptions/c896b064-0cd9-49d5-a7df-c82df3dc60f3/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions/18d7d88d-d35e-4fb5-a5c3-7773c20a72d9"
$principal = "290190c3-1372-4076-99a5-9efa5a1a18e3"
New-AzRoleAssignmentScheduleRequest -Name $guid -Scope $scope -ExpirationDuration PT1H -ExpirationType AfterDuration -PrincipalId $principal -RequestType SelfActivate -RoleDefinitionId $role -ScheduleInfoStartDateTime $startTime -Justification "test"