Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Test SQL connection from a windows machine

I wanted to test SQL connection from a Windows machine which didn't have any SQL tools installed. Found a cool way to do so as mentioned below:

  1. Create a blank udl file e.g. test.udl
  2. Double click it
  3. Enter the connection properties and click Test Connection. Sweet!


Thursday, May 9, 2013

Automated Website Testing with FiddlerCore

There are various UI automation tools to automate your website and validate the UI. However, it’s also important to capture and validate the network traffic. This can be done using FiddlerCore. You can also perform various types of testing like low bandwidth testing, mobile device testing and localization testing using FiddlerCore.

You can download FiddlerCore from http://fiddler2.com/fiddlercore

To start FiddlerApplication, call FiddlerApplication.Startup(0, FiddlerCoreStartupFlags.Default);

Enable HTTPS Decryption

You can enable HTTPS Decryption while starting Fiddler Application

 FiddlerApplication.Startup(0, FiddlerCoreStartupFlags.DecryptSSL);

 You also need to create and import Root cert for Fiddler

 if (!CertMaker.rootCertExists())
            if (!CertMaker.createRootCert())
                        throw new Exception("Unable to create cert for FiddlerCore.");

X509Certificate2 oRootCert = CertMaker.GetRootCertificate();
X509Store certStore = new X509Store(StoreName.Root, StoreLocation.LocalMachine);


Capture Network Traffic

You can capture the network traffic in a list and then perform various validations like checking for response time, response string, etc. for the captured sessions.
List<Session> _sessions = new List<Session>();

FiddlerApplication.BeforeRequest += delegate(Session oSession)






Simulate Modem Speeds

You can add a delay of specific milliseconds per KB uploaded as well as for per KB downloaded. This simulates a slow network and can be used to test scenarios where specific requests shouldn’t be made on a slow network. For example, Yahoo mail downloads an image on good network but doesn’t on a slow network.

High Bandwidth

 Low Bandwidth
FiddlerApplication.BeforeRequest += delegate(Session oSession)


                if (!_applyrule) return;

                oSession["request-trickle-delay"] = sendDelayinMillisecPerKb;

                oSession["response-trickle-delay"] = receiveDelayinMillisecPerKb;


Mobile Device Testing

Most websites rely on the User Agent string to determine if a request is coming from a mobile device. Hence to test the behavior of a website on a mobile device, corresponding User Agent is set using the Fiddler proxy. For example, when you send the user agent for WP 7.5 i.e. Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows Phone OS 7.5; Trident/5.0; IEMobile/9.0; Microsoft; XDeviceEmulator) , Gmail looks different than that on IE 9

Internet Explorer 9

Windows Phone 7.5

FiddlerApplication.BeforeRequest += delegate(Session oSession)


                if (_applyrule)


                    oSession.oRequest["User-Agent"] = userAgent;



Localization Testing

Localization testing can be performed by requesting the content in a specific language. This is done by modifying the Accept-Language header using the Fiddler proxy. For example, Hotmail looks the opposite for English and Hebrew Language.

English (en-US)

Hebrew (he)

FiddlerApplication.BeforeRequest += delegate(Session oSession)


                if (_applyrule)


                    oSession.oRequest["Accept-Language"] = languageAbbreviation;




Thursday, March 14, 2013

Capturing traffic from Windows Phone 8 Emulator running on a VM

Usually when you would want to capture traffic from a Windows Phone emulator, you will check "Allow Remote computers to connect" and run the below command in Fiddler QuickExec box

prefs set fiddler.network.proxy.registrationhostname <MachineName>

Then restart Fiddler and Emulator.

However, this does not work when Windows Phone 8 Emulator is running on a VM by following the steps at http://www.developer.nokia.com/Community/Wiki/Windows_Phone_8_SDK_on_a_Virtual_Machine_with_Working_Emulator

The fix is really easy. Instead of using the machine name of the VM, use the IP address of the VM when configuring fiddler.

Check "Allow Remote computers to connect" in Tools->Fiddler Options->Connections and run the below command in Fiddler QuickExec box

prefs set fiddler.network.proxy.registrationhostname <IP Address>

Then restart Fiddler and Emulator.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Find when a file was copied to a folder

Often you will find a file in a folder showing the DateModified column.
This value represents when the last changes were made  to this file.
However, a file might have been created way back and copied to a folder recently.

If you want to know when a file was copied to a folder, you can do that by Adding a column DateCreated.


You can also find it by passing the argument /T:C to dir command



Friday, February 22, 2013

Running PowerShell using PsExec

PsExec is used to run commands remotely on a machine.
I was trying to execute a PowerShell file remote using PsExec but the command would just hang.
Below is the command:

PsExec.exe \\MachineName powershell -File "FileName.ps1"

The fix was to run the command in an interactive mode by passing -i agrument to PsExec.
Here it is:

PsExec.exe -i \\MachineName powershell -File "FileName.ps1"

Sweet, the command ran fine this time!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

VS 2010 - No Test Settings Available

I ran into an issue where I openend an exisitng test project which had multiple testsettings file but when I when to Test->Select Active Test Settings, it showed the below:

It turned out that the testsettings file were under a folder which was under "Solution Items". I moved the testsettings file one level up so that they are directly under "Solution Items" folder and it fixed the problem.