Thursday, March 29, 2012

TFS 2010 Build - Not enough storage is available to complete this operation

If you see the below error while building your projects on the build agents:
Not enough storage is available to complete this operation

The reason could be that the build agent machine is running out of memory.
Increasing the RAM on the build agnet machine should fix the issue. 


  1. Hi Anuj, You seem to have seen this problem. We have a TFS 2010. What I am facing currently that after around 10 to 12 builds on my build agent, I start seeing my unit tests failing randomly with OutOfMemory and Not enough storage exceptions. Once I restart the build agent, I am fine till I fire another 10 to 12 builds and the problem starts popping up again.

  2. Increasing the RAM fixed the issue for me. So you might want to try that.
