Monday, August 29, 2011

VS 2010 Load Test - The ConnectionString property has not been initialized

Have you seen the below error while running a load test in VS 2010
Microsoft Visual Studio
Could not read result repository: The ConnectionString property has not been initialized..

Will display the runtime result instead of the repository result.

 The reason is that you have selected "None" in the "Storage Type" property of the Run Settings. Instead select "Database" and you should not see this error.


  1. Hi Anuj,

    Have the same problem.
    I deployed sql express, configured Storage Type as "Database" and have the same result.

    What else I can check to solve this issue and store test results in sql database?

  2. Try creating a load test repository by following the steps at
    Then make sure that you have specified this connection string in Test->Manage Test Controller
